Criminal Defense Attorney in Las Vegas, NV

A criminal conviction can seriously impact your freedom, finances, and reputation. With so much at stake, you need the help of an experienced criminal defense attorney to protect your rights and guide you through this challenging time. Therefore, you need the criminal defense team at Adras & Altig, Attorneys at Law.

Our law firm is founded on the belief that everyone deserves personalized, thoughtful legal representation that addresses their unique concerns and goals. Our criminal defense lawyers have more than 40 years of combined experience representing people who have been charged with minor and major offenses. We look forward to applying this skill and expertise on your behalf.

Contact us today for a free, confidential consultation with the top criminal defense lawyers in Las Vegas.

What Is a Criminal Defense Attorney?

A criminal defense attorney protects the rights of people facing criminal charges.

Some of the ways that a defense attorney can support you throughout the legal process include the following:

  • Conducting an independent investigation of the alleged crime
  • Looking for errors made by law enforcement
  • Helping you understand your legal options and how different scenarios could affect your future
  • Examining all possible defenses
  • Working to have your charges reduced or dismissed altogether
  • Appearing in court with you and on your behalf
  • Preparing you for what to expect if your case goes to trial
  • Appealing an unfavorable outcome, if necessary

Is Hiring a Las Vegas Criminal Defense Lawyer Worth It?

A criminal record can impact your ability to get a job, buy a house, rent an apartment, pursue higher education, own a gun, and even get custody of your children in a divorce. The best criminal defense lawyer may be able to reduce your charges or have your case dismissed to protect your future. You have a right to qualified legal representation and the opportunity to move forward with your life.

Those who cannot afford a private attorney have a constitutional right to a court-appointed attorney at no charge. However, court-appointed attorneys have high caseloads and often cannot provide the same level of attention to your case as a private lawyer. Before settling for a lawyer appointed by the court, speak to the Las Vegas criminal defense lawyers with Adras & Altig, Attorneys at Law, during a free case evaluation.

Most Common Criminal Charges in Las Vegas, NV

Our criminal justice lawyers defend individuals in Las Vegas who have been charged with a wide range of crimes. While the number of violent crimes committed each year is decreasing in Clark County, there were nearly 5,000 violent crime arrests in Clark County in one recent year, according to the Nevada Department of Public Safety. Remember that even if you are arrested and charged with a crime, you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Our criminal defense attorneys have helped clients facing various criminal charges and criminal cases, including the following:

  • Domestic battery – We know there are two sides to every story. Our seasoned criminal defense attorneys will investigate your case independently to gather evidence supporting a strong defense against your domestic violence charges.
  • Weapons crimes – Because Nevada has strict gun laws, having an experienced defense attorney is crucial to achieving a solid outcome in a criminal case involving weapons charges. Our skilled legal team can investigate the circumstances of your arrest to look for flaws in the state’s case and vigorously fight your charges.
  • Drug crimes – If you have been charged with a drug crime in Nevada, don’t wait to contact a knowledgeable attorney at our law office. Several strong defenses may be available to you to have your charges reduced or dropped.
  • DUI – A person can be convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) in Nevada even if their blood alcohol concentration is within the legal limit. That is why it is so important to have a DUI attorney on your side who understands the state’s complex DUI laws and fights for your rights.
  • Sex crimes – Being convicted of a sexual assault or other crime can impact you for the rest of your life. If you are facing sex crime allegations, contact an experienced criminal defense lawyer who can fight the charges and protect your reputation.
  • Bad checks and casino markers – Under Nevada law, passing a bad check or casino marker is considered fraud. A respected attorney can help negotiate repayment to have the charges against you reduced or dismissed.
  • Robbery and burglary — Burglary is a felony under Nevada law, and a conviction carries harsh penalties. With so much at stake, you need a Las Vegas criminal attorney who can examine the evidence in your case and identify flaws that undermine the other side’s case against you.
  • White-collar crime – These cases can be complicated since a conviction often requires extensive documentation and evidence of intent to commit a crime. Prosecutors may be eager to negotiate a deal that will simplify the process and work to your advantage.
  • Traffic violations – Depending on the circumstances, being convicted of a traffic violation can result in fines, license points, and even jail time. A skilled attorney can evaluate all possible legal options to try to get the charges reduced or dropped.
  • Record sealing – A criminal charge or conviction on your record can impact your ability to find a job or get a loan. Our criminal defense law frim can evaluate whether you qualify to have your record sealed, preventing others from accessing it and giving you peace of mind.
  • Juvenile criminal defense – Don’t let a criminal charge or conviction change the course of your child’s life. Contact our compassionate young Las Vegas criminal lawyers to discuss your legal options.
  • Stolen vehicle – Taking someone else’s car without permission can have serious criminal consequences. Contact a defense attorney who can identify the best defense in your unique case.
  • Violent crimes – Being convicted of a violent crime can carry a severe penalty. It is essential to hire a criminal defense attorney who can investigate your case and fight aggressively to have your charges reduced or dropped.
  • Fraud – If you have been accused of fraud or forgery, contact an attorney immediately to protect your rights and prevent harsh penalties.
  • Identity theft – Because identity theft can be as simple as possessing someone else’s ID card, you will need a criminal defense lawyer who understands the law and can develop a strong defense for the unique circumstances of your case.
  • Manslaughter – A conviction for manslaughter can lead to severe penalties, even if you unintentionally cause someone’s death. You will need an experienced manslaughter attorney to fight for your rights, build a strong case, and protect your freedom.

Our experienced Las Vegas criminal defense attorneys have the experience and skill to fight for you, whether you have been charged with a misdemeanor or are facing felony charges.

Reach Out to an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney in Las Vegas, NV Today

If you’ve been charged with a crime in Las Vegas, you need a compassionate and reliable criminal lawyer to pursue the best outcome possible. Your Las Vegas criminal defense attorneys should have open communication, a personalized approach to your defense, and the knowledge and resources necessary to fight for your rights.

The Las Vegas criminal justice lawyers of Adras & Altig, Attorneys at Law, have the experience, skills, and dedication to help you during this challenging time. Contact our law firm today for a free, confidential case evaluation to learn more about your legal options.